Far away city

Far away city with dreams that went to sleep

About Lucinda

Lucinda Watson has worked as a teacher, a healer, a volunteer, a naturalist guide, a storyteller and a board member of a few nonprofits, sometimes all at once. Watson worked for more than 10 years at the Haas School of Business, teaching communication skills to the MBA population and recruiting business leaders to speak at Haas.

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Explore some poems, snippets, and essays of my life.


I guess I know now that I will never see Isfahan. I am just too old.. I will never smell the spices in her spice market, nor will I see the weavers’ making carpets. I will never walk up the steps of the temple nor will I see or hear the minarets sing. There are so many things I will never see. I don’t care about most of them, but I do care about Isfahan. I don’t know why, but from the time I met my mother-in-law, and she told me of the beauty there and I have been longing…


I told my friend just now that I had a question for her. Here is the question. “ do you ever wake up with so much anxiety and you can’t remember who is mad at you or what you did that was wrong?”

The Cyclone I’m confused about the difference between euphoria and euphorbia and I always have been. One of them is poisonous to humans and dogs, though it can be used for certain types of skin cancer. The other is a state of absolute joy which I tend to avoid at all costs as it makes me anxious. I think it’s the feeling that you have when you are in a roller coaster creeping up to the very top of the first hill and the car is kind of lugging up that hill and your heart is in your throat because…

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